God's Sovereignty + Your Plans
I was having one of those days. You know what I mean, right? Actually, the morning was going REALLY well, according to plan even. We had finished most of the schoolwork for our homeschooling day and the kids were taking a break. I was taking a break too. I let the kids take some time to play on the deck while I took a moment to drink my coffee and breathe. However, in just a few minutes that all changed. My older two children came running inside saying that their younger brother fell and got hurt. I rushed out to find my little guy with a busted lip and blood everywhere. I began to panic.. "Should I take him to the doctor? Should I take him to the ER? Will he need stitches?" All of these thoughts went through my head, while at the same time trying to comfort the hurt child and assure the other 3 kids that everything was all right. After about an hour of debating what to do, a call to the pediatrician, and reaching out to family and friends I decided to take my little guy to the local Urgent Care. My awesome mother-in-law offered to watch my other 3 children for me so I could focus on my youngest. On the way to the Urgent Care I called my sister Kelly. She was there to encourage and comfort me as I cried. I knew it wasn't life or death, but my heart just went out to my little boy and I felt like a failure as a mom that this happened. It helped having her remind me of truth. Thankfully, he got the best care at that Urgent Care facility and he ended up NOT needing stitches. I left relieved and exhausted.
Later that evening, Kelly sent me this quote from the book "Do More Better" by Tim Challies. It hit home for me. What a comfort to know that every part of my day is known by a loving God. I like my days to have order and structure. Which for the most part is a good thing. It's good to be organized. It's good to have a plan. But what happens when your day doesn't go according to plan? In those moments, I'm guilty of seeing all that has gone wrong or assuming it's all my fault. How kind of God, to remind me on this day in particular of His sovereignty over all. Boy am I thankful that my fickle emotions and I are not running this world. How freeing it is to surrender control to a good Father. I'm no expert and I certainly haven't arrived in this journey of motherhood, but I hope this encourages you: on those days that don't go how you expected or even on the good days, run to the arms of our Heavenly Father who works all things for good.
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